Wim van Eekelen



Dr. W.F. van Eekelen (1931) studied Law in Utrecht and Political Studies at the University of Princeton (USA). He started his career as civil servant at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with postings in New Delhi, London, Accra and NATO.

Back in The Hague he was involved in the European Political Association and became Director of the Security Department. In 1977 he was elected Member of Parliament. Wim van Eekelen continued his career as State Secretary of the Ministry of Defense, State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Defense, Secretary General of the West-European Union (1989-1994).

From 1995-2003 he was Member of the House (Upper Chamber).

Van Eekelen is president of the Eurodefence Nederland and vice president of Liberal International. He also is member of the Advisory Board of the Rights Forum, a foundation dedicated to a fair policy towards the Middle-East and he is member of the Advisory Board of the Jason Foundation, dedicated to providing balanced information on international peace and security issues.

He wrote part of his memoirs in his book ‘Sporen trekken door strategische jaren’ and he recently updated and enlarged his cum laude doctorate in 1964 ‘Indian Foreign Policy and the Border Dispute with China’.