Changes in the INS Board

10 Dec 2013

In 2013 two respected members of the board, Silfraire Delhaye (treasurer) and Jolijn van Beukering, independently from each other and for personal reasons, decided to stop their memberships.

The board regrets their farewell, but is very grateful for their dedicated and pioneering work in the starting phase of the INS.

Meanwhile we found a new treasurer in Hans Sprokkreeff, who worked for years at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, mostly abroad.

Recently Rennie Roos, student MA International Relations en BA Indonesia Studies, joined the board too. Besides his membership of the INS board, he is the Founder & President of the new Indonesia Nederland Youth Society (INYS).


Hans Sprokkreeff, treasurer of the Board of Indonesia Nederland Society

Hans Sprokkreeff, treasurer of the Board of Indonesia Nederland Society


Rennie Roos, chair of Indonesia Nederland Youth Society

Rennie Roos, chair of Indonesia Nederland Youth Society
