13 Jan 2015
Your Excellence, dear Ibu Retno
With great respect and lasting friendship we cherish the remembrance of your term of office in The Netherlands, from our first meeting on 22 March 2012 at the Promenade Hotel, The Hague till our meeting today at Hotel Des Indes, The Hague.
We cherish the esprit and synergy of our co-operation to make the relationship between Indonesia and The Netherlands a special relationship.
With our best wishes to you, your beloved ones and your country Indonesia
Former-minister Willem van Eekelen, chairman of the Board of Trustees
Mrs. Hanneke Van Eekelen
Former- Minister Bernard Bot
Former-Ambassador Koos van Dam
Mrs. Joty-ter Kulve – van Os
Mrs. Jolijn van Beukering
Mr. Jesse Kuijper, chairman of the INS Board
Mr. Ate Oostra, member of the INS Board, vice-chairman
Hans Sprokkreeff, member of the INS Board, treasurer
Ms. Monica Bouman, member of the INS Board, secretary
Mr. Aljosja van Dorssen, member of the INS Board
Mr. Rennie Roos, member of the Board and chairman INYS