23 Apr 2023
On Tuesday 9 May in our Meeting of Minds series we organize an INS meeting in Museum Het Schip, Oostzaanstraat 45 in Amsterdam. Frans Leidelmeijer, renown art connoisseur, will show his documentary film Cross-pollination.
Cross-pollination is the first part of a diptych about the influence of Indonesian culture on applied art and architecture in the Netherlands in the period 1890-1940. Frans Leidelmeijer, born in the former Dutch Indies, specialized in the art of this period. As the maker of the film, together with Bie Muusze, he will be present to answer questions of the audience. The programme will start with a welcome at 14.00 hr. followed by the film screening of Cross Pollunation and a Q&A, and closed with drinks and bites until 17.00 hr.
Museum Het Schip hosts an exhibition about the relationship of the Amsterdam School with the former Dutch East Indies. With films and photographs, drawings, prints and applied art, the exhibition shows how Dutch artists and architects were inspired by the shapes, colors and materials from the former colony in the period 1890-1940. The building in which the museum is housed is a wonderful example of this cross pollunation. The exhibition runs until 27 August 2023.
You have access to the museum with a ticket or museum card. Next to a museum ticket, access to the INS event is for free for registered guests. RSVP: bouman.monica@gmail.com.