22 Apr 2023
Your thesis might be worth a return ticket Jakarta-Amsterdam (or vice versa)
- Have you written an interesting Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis at an Indonesian or Dutch university?
- Is the topic of your thesis related to the theme ‘regional impact’?
- Is your thesis relevant for Indonesian, Dutch, European and/or SE Asian audiences?
- Can you summarise your thesis in an inspiring way in a short pitch?
- Then you could be the winner of the Indonesia Nederland Thesis prize 2023
What is the thesis prize about?
- The Indonesia Nederland Society is proud to announce the inaugural edition of the Indonesia Netherlands Thesis Prize in close collaboration with our partners PPI Belanda, Nuffic Southeast Asia and Garuda Indonesia.
- Our aim is to provide students with the opportunity to bring their ideas to the fore, encourage student-led research and make this research known to the public
- The subject area should be related to regional impact and with relevance for Indonesia, the Netherlands, ASEAN and/or the European Union.
- The student who presents the best pitch of her/his Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis will be the winner
- The winner of the Indonesia Nederland Thesis prize 2023 will be rewarded with a return ticket Jakarta-Amsterdam or vice versa (conditions apply).
Conditions for participation
- Thesis content should be related to the theme ‘regional impact’ and preferably be relevant for the relation between the Netherlands and Indonesia (or ASEAN-EU) in the broadest sense.
- All academic disciplines are eligible
- Thesis assessment date: between 31 August 2020 and 30 June 2023
- Research that is eye-catching in terms of subject matter, theory and methodology, and preferably uses an original perspective, offers new insights and has both scientific and social relevance.
How to apply?
Applications can be be submitted by email before 31 July 2023 and must consist of:
- A digital copy of the Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis
- Proof of the grade received
- A written summary of your thesis (max. 500 words in English)
- A recorded video statement of 5 minutes (max.) in English pitching your thesis to a general audience
- In the pitch you should emphasise the relevance for regional impact and, if applicable, for the relation between Indonesia and the Netherlands (or ASEAN-EU).
Applications can be submitted until 31 July 2023 to INS.thesisprize@gmail.com
How is the winner selected?
- The top 3 applicants will be selected by a jury and invited to present their pitch (online) during WINNER 2023 between 10 and 12 October 2023.
- During the event the jury will determine the winner of the return ticket Jakarta-Amsterdam or Amsterdam-Jakarta.
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