12 May 2023
In the company of Ambassador Mayerfas and his staff as our special guests, and with dear INS friends we had a wonderful INS meeting in Museum Het Schip in Amsterdam, May 9th. After a warm welcome by Ed Kronenburg and an introduction by museum director Alice Roegholt we first visited the special exhibition Indonesia and the Amsterdam School. The exhibition depicts how in the period 1890-1940 Dutch artists and architects were inspired by cultural shapes, colors and materials from Indonesia in their creation of new designs, drawings, prints and applied art.
Alice Roegholt, director Het Schip
Subsequently Frans Leidelmeijer introduced his documentary, a college tour on cultural cross-pollination in the designs of buildings, sculptures and applied art by Dutch artists and architects, who in the period 1890-1940 were inspired by Indonesia and its cultures. Watching the documentary Cross-pollination became a feast of discovery for all participants.
From left to righth: Monica Bouman (INS), Ambassador Mayerfas, and Frans Leidelmeijer
If, as the proverb says ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ the museum and the art connoisseur provided real eye openers. It was fascinating to absorb the stories and the beauty of a common heritage. The exhibition Indonesia and the Amsterdam School and the documentary Cross-Pollination complement each other and reinforce each other’s message.
The exhibition in Het Schip runs until 27 August 2023.The film is the first part of a diptych which Frans Leidelmeijer made with Bie Muusze. Both documentaries are scheduled on the agenda of museum Het Schip.
For more information, please see https://www.hetschip.nl/bezoekers/activiteiten/indonesie-en-de-amsterdamse-school